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Win a Smartphone with Earn

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  1. Download Earn here

  2. Register and start Earning cash


The user who Earn the most points during the month will win a CellAllure Cool S2 smartphone.


Valid from August 1st to August 31st. The winner will be announced on  August 3rd. 


What drives us at CellAllure is creating products that makes the world a better place. Most phone companies know that cellphones are a necessity now days, our mission is to make communication affordable yet pleasant as we believe it shouldn’t be breaking the bank.


Earn with CellAllure is exactly that, a phone that gives back to people when engaging with great offers and deals that are to their interest, they can earn money in the most comfortable way without getting annoyed as usually offers and ads are.


Our commitment to you is to continue to innovate and make communication affordable yet pleasant.


Thank you for Earning with CellAllure.

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